So… camping in and around Yellowstone is crazy! Especially
if you are anything like us and did not make any prior plans, just showed up
and hoped for the best. The first come first serve campgrounds fill up by 8am,
but that doesn’t mean you should be there by 8, a queue starts forming before
6:30am! Since we left in the evening from Jackson there was no hope for us.
Instead, we camped just off of a dirt road in Caribou-Targhee National Forest;
we arrived at dusk. We woke the next morning at 5:45am and went into the
Yellowstone, hoping to get a campsite in the park. On the way we saw the
sunrise and learned that if you enter the gates early enough you don’t have to
pay – BONUS! We arrived at Norris
campground a little before 8am and stood in line for 2 hours before getting one
of the last campsites available!
We spend the next 3 days driving around Yellowstone National Park. There are so many amazing thermal features. You are literally walking on the opening of a volcano that filled with debris during the last eruption. Our favorite spots were Norris Basin, Black Sand Basin, Mammoth Terraces, and Lone Star Geyser. We were amazing lucky timing the geysers. Both Old Faithful and Lone Star Geyser erupt every several hours; both times we stumbled upon them seconds before their major eruptions. During our hike to Loan Star Geyser we saw a mamma moose and her baby. We also saw a ton of buffalo throughout the park. No bears or wolves though…waah waah.
Baby moose (and her momma, out of picture) on the way up to Lone Star Geyser |
Dandy in front of Lone Star Geyser |
Midway Geyser Basin
Ah, the Grand Tetons and Yellowstone! This brings back such great memories from our RV trip about 15 years ago or so, and the fun times of trying to get a campsite before they were all gone in Yellowstone. It was an amazing trip and it looks and sounds like you guys are having an amazing trip as well! Enjoy every moment and thank you for sharing! Love you guys! XOXOXO