Monday, September 12, 2016

Family Shenanigans – September 1st – 9th, 2016

We made it to Princeton and spent a short couple of days with my sister and her husband. We ate like champions – pizza and gourmet hotdogs and played a bunch of games (darts, impossibly difficult bean bag toss, Settlers of Catan, old school Nintendo, football). We then took the train to meet up with Andy’s sister in NYC before heading up to Syracuse. Andy’s sister got us there safely, locking up our seatbelts only 6x! The weekend was full of festivities celebrating Andy’s cousin and his new wife. We had an amazing time catching up with Andy’s family and old friends. After the bride and groom set out for their Hawaii honeymoon, the family went on a vacation of their own, up to Lake Placid. The Lake Placid Lodge was INCREDIBLE! We lived like kings and got some much needed R&R (minus the 15 mile hike to summit Mt. Marcy, the tallest peak in NY, which was not relaxing). We had a really great time and lots of laughs with Andy's family. Goodbyes were difficult again and we were starting to be anxious about leaving the comforts of the US for the culture shock of India, but we boarded the plane all the same. For better or worse, let Dandy's international adventure begin! 

View from the lodge at Lake Placid!
View from the top of Mt. Marcy.
Does it need a caption?
About to board the plane. Feeling a little nauseous, why are we doing this again?


  1. Great adventures so far. Now the "real" ones begin. 😝 Love you both and have fun. Everyday is a gift.
